CPA Group staff deployed to remote locations enjoy adding value and providing a real contribution to the health and well-being of the site workforce.

Our professional teams are deployed as part of the site emergency response preparedness, but we believe it is an important return on our client’s investment to contribute in areas such as hazard identification, safety, training, toolbox talks, drills and other important initiatives.

One area where CPA Group is rightfully renowned is through wellness and health promotion programs, where we publish and support an annual calendar of topics which our staff present or, as required, we can play a role in the delivery of our client’s programs.

We will soon be announcing our 2019 Wellness and Health Promotion calendar, but the recent RU OK? Day provides us an opportunity to show you how our team contributed at Karratha Gas Plant where Katrina Swanson (CPA Group HSE Coordinator) and Gary Clark (CPA Group Intensive Care Paramedic) delivered their message to 1200 workers.