CPA Group is proud of our awareness of sustainability issues – we have a corporate culture driven from our Executive Chairman who includes the subject in his annual AGM address to our Board of Directors and the CEO as well as a standing item on CPA Group Board and Exco agendas.

CPA Group has a Sustainability Plan to demonstrate to clients, government authorities and our Board of Directors that we meet our Sustainability social and corporate obligations.


Energy Monitor - R.PNG

CPA Group has minimal environmental and resource impact. Where issues can be identified – such as motor vehicle usage, excess power consumption and office activities – measures have been implemented to reduce these wherever possible to ensure the smallest possible carbon footprint.

A recent strategy implemented at Head Office is informing our energy consumption strategies.

CPA Group monitors its energy usage in real time. We have invested in a monitoring software and implemented a real-time energy usage dashboard to measure and actively manage our energy consumption. This ensures that energy consumption is monitored and at the forefront of our minds at all times.

Simple steps to support our commitment to energy sustainability include:

•             Turn off lighting, air conditioning when not in use

•             Report where lighting and air conditioning are running unnecessarily

•             Run air conditioning between 21 to 26 degrees Celsius and only when required

Our office has automated lighting and air-conditioning to ensure that all but essential energy usages is shut off after hours.

CPA Group takes its good corporate citizenship and social responsibility seriously and we encourage our site staff to invest in these initiatives.